Congratulations Jess & Jarrod

October 26, 2023

I'm not crying, you're crying!

We are overjoyed with excitement and pride to announce that the Electric Road family has grown by a precious, little, one. Our adored Jess and husband Jarrod have welcomed a beautiful baby girl into the world - Daisy Louise. We know some of you are missing Jess, almost as much as us, but know that her and her family are doing well! George is settling into the big brother role nicely, but is struggling to let go of the affectionate nickname he gave to Daisy in utero, Possum.

From Jess

We are settling in and learning what life looks like now as a family of 4. We are in an absolute love bubble!

Jess extends her gratitude to all of our clients who wished her well as she left for maternity leave, and she misses you all. We look forward to welcoming back Jess next year with a glass of champagne!